US-REGEN Documentation
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US-REGEN Documentation


This website provides current and historical documentation for EPRI's U.S. Regional Economy, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy (US-REGEN) model—an energy-economy model of the United States. The documentation describes the model, the methodology and theory that underlie it, and the construction of associated datasets—inputs and assumptions—that inform the model. To see information about the current US-REGEN model, please select the most-recent version below.

2021A LCRI
Major enhancements to support the Low-Carbon Resources Initiative in 2021, including the creation of a fuels model within US-REGEN.
January 2020 documentation update, describing the model's structure at the end of 2019.
Describes the model's structure as of first quarter 2018 and introduces an end-use model to improve the characterization of energy demand.
2015 (Unit Commitment Model)
Describes the unit commitment model, its capabilities, and its relation to the dynamic version of US-REGEN.
Describes the model's structure as of fourth quarter 2014.
First public release that describes the US-REGEN model, the methodology and theory that underlie it, and the construction of the associated datasets that inform the model.