Upstream Fossil Fuel Production

Upstream production of coal, oil, and natural gas is modeled on a regional basis, with resources characterized by type and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) province.


For coal, surface and underground reservoirs are represented separately with the requirement that metallurgical coal can only be produced from more costly underground mines.

Oil and Natural Gas

For oil and natural gas, production is modeled jointly, including a representation of liquid vs gas fractions based on observed base year production ratios. The model considers production of crude oil, lease condensate, natural gas liquids, and natural gas separately for each reservoir (for example, some oil-producing reservoirs also produce associated natural gas, while some gas-producing reservoirs have higher or lower shares of natural gas liquids). The cost structure of production is captured with top-down parameters for different reservoir types (e.g. conventional on-shore, unconventional on-shore, and off-shore) chosen to align with observed base year prices and production. Production capacity must be added in each time period to meet resource demands (determined endogenously by end-use and conversion technology choices).

Coming Soon

Summary data for coal, oil, and natural gas assumptions.